lunedì 30 ottobre 2017

Mulvey, William Michael (1949- ), vescovo

William Michael Mulvey
Vescovo di Corpus Christi (2010- )

Sententia in Christo vobis


Riferimenti: biografici
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stemma della Diocesi di Corpus Christi

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02 pagina di Lo stemma e il motto sono così presentati nella pagina di
For his personal coat of arms, Bishop Wm. Michael Mulvey has adopted a design that reflects his heritage and his ministry as a priest of Jesus Christ. The upper portion of Bishop Mulvey’s insignia is a field of gold with a red escallop (Scallop shell) displayed upon it.  This is taken from the arms of His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, who called the bishop to the fullness of Christ’s priesthood as a bishop. The shell is also a symbol of baptism and the journey of holiness to which all are called.  
The lower portion of the design has two blue lions that are taken from the Mulvey family coat of arms.  The blue wavy bar across the center of the design represents the Colorado River that runs through the Diocese of Austin.  It is taken from the arms of that diocese, the home diocese of Bishop Mulvey and the people of God he served for 35 years in many capacities, including as the diocesan administrator.  
The three silver stars signify the heritage of Bishop Mulvey’s mother as well as the Most Holy Trinity.  For his motto, Bishop Mulvey selected the phrase “Sententia in Christo Vobis.”  This Latin phrase, derived from St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians (Phil 2:5), means essentially “have the same attitude in yourselves as is found in Christ” and expresses the bishop’s deep belief that in order to be a man of communion, our hearts must be moved by the same sentiments that moved the heart of Christ Jesus in his life and mission.   

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