lunedì 30 ottobre 2017

Nussbaum, Paul Joseph, C.P. (1870-1935), vescovo

Paul Joseph (Henry John) Nussbaum
Congregazione della Passione di Gesù (Passionisti)
1° Vescovo di Corpus Christi (1913-1920)
Vescovo titolare di Gerasa (1920-1922)
Vescovo di Sault Sainte Marie and Marquette (1922-1935)

Passio Christi in cordibus nostris

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Riferimenti araldici
stemma della Diocesi di Corpus Christi

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Lo stemma e il motto sono così presentati nella pagina di
The coat of arms of Bishop Nussbaum which appears in the stain glass “The Manna in the Desert” contains on the left side the coat of arms of the newly erected Diocese of Corpus Christi–three ciborium (the vessels for holding the Eucharistic Body of Christ) on a field of red that represent the sacrifice of Christ who gave himself Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Eucharist.
To the right on the seal is Bishop Nussbaum’s coat of arms.  The top half of his seal holds the symbol of the Passionist Congregation of which he was a member.  This symbol chosen by St. Paul of the Cross, founder of the Passionist Congregation, includes the branches of the palm and olive.  The palm branch is a reminder of the Passion of Christ and his victory over sin and death.  The olive branch is a reminder of his title as the Christ (the anointed one) since olive oil was used to make chrism by which the chosen were anointed.  Inside the heart (surmounted by a cross) are the words “Jesu XPI (short for “Christi”) Passio”, i.e. the Passion of Jesus Christ.
The lower half of Bishop Nussbaum’s personal coat of arms contains a “walnut tree”—the meaning of his name “Nussbaum” (remember the Christmas carol “O Tannenbaum”—a “fir tree” and hence the kind of evergreen tree used for a Christmas tree).  The motto of Bishop Nussbaum, “Passio Christi in Corporibus Nostris” refers to the words of St. Paul and reminds the members of the Passionist Congregation that we bear “the passion of Christ in our bodies”.

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